Standard Interpretations(Archived) - Standard Number
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- 1910.27 - Cages installed on fixed ladders. - 05/03/1978
- 1910.27 - Clarification of a fixed ladder requirement. - 12/02/1981
- 1910.27 - Clarification of Section 1910.268 Telecommunications. - 02/26/1996
- 1910.27 - Clarification on OSHA's enforcement policy for fixed ladders. - 11/08/2007
- 1910.27 - Climbing structural members is a recognized hazard and prohibited. - 04/15/1977
- 1910.27 - Conveyor Crossover Stile. - 04/22/1996
- 1910.27 - Enforcement of 1910.27 Fixed Ladders. - 10/19/1976
- 1910.27 - Enforcement of manhole step specification requirements during rulemaking proceedings. - 06/24/2003
- 1910.27 - Fixed ladder requirements for ski lift towers. - 06/02/1999
- 1910.27 - Fixed ladder requirements. - 03/05/1981
- 1910.27 - Fixed Ladder Used For Emergency Egress Only. - 05/17/1978
- 1910.27 - Guarding of Access Openings to Fixed Ladders. - 09/29/2009
- 1910.27 - Information on fixed ladders and cages. - 12/04/1978
- 1910.27 - Instruction and warning labels for ladders. - 07/25/1983
- 1910.27 - Landing platform requirement for fixed ladder with continuous climb of 62 feet. - 04/19/2006
- 1910.27 - Landing platforms for fixed ladders. - 07/23/1998
- 1910.27 - Maximum intervals for providing fixed-ladder landing platforms used in General Industry. - 07/02/2003
- 1910.27 - OSHA concurrence on the use of 3/4" square bars for rungs on fixed ladders. - 09/08/1978
- 1910.27 - OSHA requirements on fixed ladders relating to communication towers. - 02/20/1981
- 1910.27 - OSHA's Fixed Ladders and Safety Cages standard. - 06/25/1997
- 1910.27 - Platforms and ladders on communication towers. - 03/26/1993
- 1910.27 - Railroad tankcars off-loading points at an industrial facility. - 11/14/1996
- 1910.27 - Requirements for clearances behind permanently installed vertical ladders in elevator pits. - 12/02/1991
- 1910.27 - Requirements for manhole steps. - 12/02/1980
- 1910.27 - Requirements for step-through fixed ladder side rails that might be used as climbing aid. - 08/08/2005
- 1910.27 - Safety concerns at Montana ski areas and OSHA standards for fixed ladders. - 03/07/1995
- 1910.27 - Separate line for a full body harness - 04/04/1991
- 1910.27 - Specialty Ladders Used in Manholes - 08/03/1992
- 1910.27 - Standards applicable to step bolts and manhole steps; load requirements for step bolts. - 05/05/2003
- 1910.27 - Structural steel angles for cleats on fixed ladders. - 06/23/1977
- 1910.27 - The use of ship's stairs instead of fixed stairs in general industry. - 02/10/2006
- 1910.27(b)(1) - Fall protection requirements when working from ladders in the telecommunications industry - 05/23/2005
- 1910.27(b)(1) - Round rungs on ladders - 04/18/2014
- 1910.27(b)(1)(i) - Fixed ladder surface finish requirements - 06/30/2014
- 1910.27(b)(1)(i) - OSHA concurrence on the use of 3/4" square bars for rungs on fixed ladders. - 09/08/1978
- 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders. - 02/21/1982
- 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders. - 11/27/1981
- 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders. - 03/20/1975
- 1910.27(b)(1)(iii) - De minimis notices for ladders with rung lengths that do not comply with the Fixed Ladders standard. - 07/28/1975
- 1910.27(b)(1)(iii) - Fixed ladder surface finish requirements - 06/30/2014
- 1910.27(b)(1)(iii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders. - 11/27/1981
- 1910.27(b)(2) - Requirements for step-through fixed ladder side rails that might be used as climbing aid. - 08/08/2005